CEPS  24.01
Cardiac ElectroPhysiology Simulator
Continuous integration

CEPS uses Gitlab's CI/CD feature to create pipelines for testing and documentation generation/upload. At each push, a pipeline is triggered and exposes jobs to virtual machines called runners (or slaves). Jobs are defined in the contrib/CI/gitlab-ci.yaml file, with options for when to run them.

We use shared runners from inria.ci.fr.

The Linux runners are configured to use docker images to test different architectures. The images are stored on Inria's gitlab registry and can be accessed on the project page in the "Packages and Registries" tab. The Dockerfiles used to generate them are also in CEPS contrib/CI/docker directory. These files contain the command to install the necessary basic packages and calls to the build_dependencies CMake build system in contrib (this is a good way to test it as well).

The job that runs tests on Ubuntu with 32 bits integers in debug mode also performs the code analysis. Report can be consulted on Inria's Sonarqube instance (private access required).