CEPS  24.01
Cardiac ElectroPhysiology Simulator

CEPS(Cardiac ElectroPhysiology Simulator) is a numerical simulation tool focused on the modeling of cardiac electrophysiology. The goal of CEPS is to easily allow the development of new numerical methods and new physical models.

License: LGPL v3 Quality Gate Status Maintainability Rating Coverage Reliability Rating

Download and install

Please refer to the installation page for detailed instructions on how to install CEPS and its dependencies.

Try CEPS !

If disk usage is not a problem for you, you can directly try CEPS (32-bits) within this publicly available docker images. The latest-tagged image contains the last released version of CEPS. The ceps-dev-tagged image contains the current experimental version, for which we do not guarantee proper behaviour.


Models implemented in CEPS are based on Partial Differential Equations (PDE), which are solved with Finite Elements methods, and several accurate temporal numerical schemes to solve ionic models. CEPS can run simulations for the following models:

Models with cardiac tissue only

Models with cardiac tissue and extracardiac (passive) medium

Models with passive medium only



Since CEPS runs in a non-interactive mode, all its parameters must be passed through a text file. Information on syntax as well as the list of all parameters can be found on this page. File formats of other inputs and outputs are described here, and units for cardiac problems are listed there.

Referencing CEPS

If your research involved results generated by CEPS, please cite the following:

  • 🔜


If you need some support or want to contribute to the development of CEPS, feel free to contact us at ceps@inria.fr

Maintainer documentation

Sources are hosted on Inria's gitlab.

The following pages are dedicated to those who want to develop in CEPS