CEPS  24.01
Cardiac ElectroPhysiology Simulator


The famous bidomain model comes from the homogeneization of the quasi-static electric potential problem at the cell scale, where the intra- and extra-cellular potentials are defined. Assuming that the myocardium is locally constituted of a periodic pattern of cardiac cells, the bidomain problem reads:

\[ \left\{\begin{array}{ll} \partial_t v + \dfrac{1}{C_\mathrm{m}}\left(I_\mathrm{ion}(v,w) + I_\mathrm{app}\right) - \dfrac{1}{A_\mathrm{m}C_\mathrm{m}}\nabla\cdot(\sigma_\mathrm{i}\nabla (v+u_\mathrm{e})) = 0 & \text{on }\Omega,\\ - \dfrac{1}{A_\mathrm{m}C_\mathrm{m}}\left[\nabla\cdot(\sigma_\mathrm{i}\nabla v) + \nabla\cdot((\sigma_\mathrm{i}+\sigma_\mathrm{e})\nabla u_\mathrm{e})\right] = 0 & \text{on }\Omega,\\[+5pt] \partial_t w + g(v,w) = 0 &\text{on }\Omega,\\ \sigma_\mathrm{i}\partial_{\bm{n}} (v+u_\mathrm{e}) = 0&\text{on }\partial\Omega,\\ + \text{ boundary conditions for }u_\mathrm{e},\\ + \text{ initial conditions.} \end{array}\right. \]

This formulation is what is implemented in CEPS, even if it could be written in a more simple way.


CEPS ID Name Math symbol Unit
0 Transmembrane voltage $v(\bm{x},t)$ $\si{\milli\volt}$
1 Extracellular potential $u_\mathrm{e}(\bm{x},t)$ $\si{\milli\volt}$
- ionic state variables $w(\bm{x},t)$ -

Tissue properties:

  • $A_\mathrm{m}$ is the surface to volume ratio of cell membranes, in $\si{\per\centi\metre}$,
  • $C_\mathrm{m}$ is the cell membrane surfacic capacitance, in $\si{\micro\farad\per\centi\metre\squared}$,
  • $\sigma_\mathrm{i}(\bm{x})$ the tensorial intracellular conductivity, in $\si{\milli\siemens\per\centi\metre}$. Usually, the tensor is the same everywhere when expressed in the local frame defined by fiber orientation. However, alterations of the tissue conductivity can be introduced by using volume fraction.
  • $\sigma_\mathrm{e}(\bm{x})$ the tensorial extracellular conductivity, in $\si{\milli\siemens\per\centi\metre}$. Similar to $\sigma_\mathrm{i}$

Other functions

  • $I_\mathrm{ion}$ is the current due to ionic gates, in $\si{\micro\ampere\per\centi\metre\squared}$,
  • $I_\mathrm{app}(\bm{x},t)$ is the user-defined applied current used to stimulate a specific region of the domain,
  • $g$ is the evolution function of ionic variables.


Here is an example of input file, which is available in the examples directory. See the input file page for more details on options.

# Bidomain model:
# unknown index 0 represents the transmembrane voltage
# unknown index 1 represents the extracellular potential
problem type : bidomain
# Output controls
# Output name
output file name : ./results/bidomainRL2
# Output every 0.5ms
snapshot time : 0.5
# Data used to generate the activation time map. Values are
# - Unknown index
# - AP detection threshold (mV)
# - Minimum voltage used for peak detection (mV)
# - AP duration percentage
activation time data : 0 -20 -40 0.75
# Probe points: values of the unknowns at those points*
# along time will be written in a separate file
# (*at closest point in given mesh to be exact)
probe points : 2.68655 -15.8401 20.9223 , 1.34332 -16.1237 19.8474
# Simulation time
# Times are given in milliseconds
PDE start time : 0.0
PDE end time : 25
# Geometry
# Meshes
2d mesh : ./meshes/atriaSurfacic
# The given mesh has units of cm, which is also CEPS length unit.
# So there is no need for scaling.
# geometry scale : 1
# Partitioning method can be
# - PTScotchNode
partitioning method : PTScotchNode
# Tissue
# Surface to volume ratio, in cm-1
Am : CONSTANT 200.0
# Surfacic membrane capacitance, in muF per cm2.
# If commented, Cm from the ionic model is used
# Cm : CONSTANT 1.0
# Conductivity, in mS per cm
intracellular conductivity : CONSTANT 1.2 0.4 0.4
extracellular conductivity : CONSTANT 1.2 0.4 0.4
# Ionic model
# Format: unknownIndex ionicModelName <regionAttributes>
# Here we use the Beeler-Reuter model everywhere
# for transmembrane voltage (component 0)
# No ionic model on extracellular potential
ionic model : 0 BR77
# Stimulation
# TIME options define the evolution of time of the stimulation.
# Here a one-time stim with C4 continuous profile that lasts 2 ms
# SPACE options define where the stimulation is applied.
# Here as well a C4 bell shaped stimulation, centered at 0.5 0.5 0 with
# 0.05 diameter
# Amplitude is in muA per cm2
stimulation: TIME PROFILE C4 START 0.04 DURATION 2. \
# solver options
# Only FE 1 available for now
spatial discretization : FE 1
# Time scheme for PDE solving
PDE solver : SBDF 2
PDE time step : 0.05
# Linear solver options
absolute tolerance : 1.E-12
relative tolerance : 1.E-12
solver type : GMRES
# Ionic solver. Here Rush Larsen of order 2.
ionic model solver : RL 2
@ PTScotchNode
GeomNode SCOTCH partitioning using primal graph.
Beeler Reuter (1977) ionic model.
Definition: BR77.hpp:50

Here is an example of output you can get with this model.